The Change Companies

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The Change Companies® collaborates with leading researchers, innovative program managers and hundreds of service providers to stay on the cutting edge of behavior change science and application models.

Interactive Journaling®

Interactive Journaling® is a structured and experiential writing process that motivates and guides participants toward positive life change.

Motivational Interviewing

Motivational interviewing helps people get unstuck in motivation for change by addressing ambivalence/reluctance through a person-centered and collaborative approach.

Transtheoretical Model of Change

The transtheoretical model of behavior change utilizes practical methods for enhancing readiness and promoting positive change along a continuum of five stages of change.

Structured Expressive Writing

Structured expressive writing involves writing about a specific topic, such as a life-changing event, in order to disclose and process related thoughts and emotions.

Cognitive-behavioral Therapy

Cognitive-behavioral therapy aims to correct maladaptive patterns of thinking and behaviors that contribute to an individual's problems through increased mindfulness.
Implementation Image


Interactive Journaling® is a cost-effective process that can be integrated into all dimensions of a program. It can serve as the glue that adds consistency and structure to the entire range of education/treatment activities. Most importantly, Interactive Journaling® is flexible. Because of its modular structure, it can be used in whichever way best fits the needs of your program. Want to know how to implement Interactive Journaling® into your program? We would love to help!

Call us at: 888-889-8866